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Demand Driven – The Knowledge Balance: Part 4 – Implementers

In my previous article (‘Part 3 – Clients’), I discussed the level of knowledge clients should have when it comes to the principles and concepts of being Demand Driven. Now let’s look at implementers – those with the responsibility to deliver demand driven solutions and guide their client companies through the process.

While implementers could be the OEM software (mostly ERP) suppliers themselves, often it’s not necessarily the case.  It has become the norm to see third party channel partners and solution providers as the implementers of ERP systems.

Demand driven functionality – or at least DDMRP as a starting point – has become more widespread as an inherent feature of many off-the-shelf ERP systems. In addition, there are many add-on software packages designed to integrate into an already functioning ERP, and which have official accreditation from the Demand Driven Institute (DDI).

Looking at the role of the implementers, there is an obvious need for consultants to have the depth of knowledge required to deliver demand driven functionality, either within the ERP process design, or as an add-on software package to the ERP. And in addition, to correctly map the client’s business requirements to the functional configuration. Hence, it would be difficult to imagine the implementation consultant having the required capability without having achieved CDDP (Certified Demand Driven Planner) or CDDL (CDD Leader) certification.

I mentioned previously that clients need a good overview of what being Demand Driven is all about, in order to scope their business objectives. But without necessarily needing their operations professionals to attain the above-mentioned certifications. They do however, depend on the implementation consultants to have the level of detailed knowledge acquired through certification.

There are other important areas of support and expertise provided to the client by the implementation partner. For example, software selection – choosing the optimal ERP package or DDP (Demand Driven Planning) add-on software, to support the client’s business requirements. There are services providers who offer software selection as part of their portfolio of services.

However, without the requisite level of detailed knowledge around Demand Driven Planning (DDP), the implementation partner is hindered in offering software selection as a service. In which case the policy of simply avoiding the DDP topic comes into play.

Additionally, where a client only has vague knowledge (or none at all) about DDP, and wants to implement an ERP system to improve overall business performance, there is an opportunity for the implementer to raise awareness with the client, as part of the software selection or business process mapping. Without, of course, wanting to ‘over-sell’ products or services.  

But this opportunity and transfer of knowledge gets lost, if the implementation partners themselves, lack the conceptual and detailed knowledge around being Demand Driven.

Hold tight for my next article in the series😊, in which we’ll focus on software providers!


Damien Dockery (CDDP)


Demand Driven – The Knowledge Balance: Part 3 – Clients